Sunday, August 3, 2008

Spiritual Swinging

Posted Originally on Thursday, July 17th, 2008: Today I decided to go for a swing. Swinging to me, is in itself a spiritual activity. When you are swinging, the wind rushes past your face, and you get a feeling of being moved, and then there is the sky, there in front of you, and perhaps if you swing just a bit higher, you could fly up into the clouds. I love swinging. Swinging also gains an extra aspect when you are singing while swinging. :) I happen to enjoy being able to release my feelings and thoughts in the form of a song, and alone at a playground on a swing is the perfect spot for it. If one wants to bring this whole swinging experience to it's culmination, bring along a spiritual book! I did this today, and I was reading a most beautiful chapter in a book, which in it's entirety said to me that everything happens for a grand and perfect reason, and that there really is a gift in all moments in all events, in all happenings. Sitting there on that swing, I was lifted up into the arms of a loving God, of Love itself, for I saw that He had given me a most marvelous gift in the form of that book, and in the form of events I thought were bad but had actually been blessings. I found that the people who come into our lives and harm us are the people who are teaching us our greatest and most important lessons- I learned forgiveness from a friend who gave me something to forgive! Without that opportunity, I never would have known forgiveness, never would have touched that level of love. She came into my life and gave me a gift, which seemed at the time only poison, but I see the gift clearly now. I see her love clearly now. I am able to view her true self. I thank her for her gift and give her forgiveness and offer forever my love to her.


Mark said...

Swinging has given you a great perspective.

When I was a child I always wondered if I could swing high enough to make a complete revolution over the the bar.

Casstranquility said...

Thanks. :)

Eeek, I would never want to manage to do that! :D